December 6, 2013 morning, the two vessels "MV XIUMEI TIANJIN" and "JIA LI HAI" collided in the waters near the southern Zhejiang Zhoushan, Ningbo and Zhoushan in Zhejiang accident deepwater navigable waterway safety and security.
After Zhejiang Maritime Search and Rescue Coordination Centre East China Sea Rescue Bureau of the Ministry of Transport of professional salvage "East Sea rescue 117" wheel towing rescue forces in a timely manner, the ship in distress was successfully towed to safe waters, a total of 46 crew members on board two turned the corner, maritime navigation hazards in a timely fashion disposal.
December 6, 2013 morning 0948, the "East China Sea rescue 117" round voyage at sea accidents in high-frequency hearing, and take the initiative to get in touch with the relevant departments, and the first time to the rescue command office duty room reports. East China Sea Rescue Bureau for information has been verified, understand, one 168 meters long, 27 meters wide, 20 South Korean nationals on board the container ship "MV XIUMEI TIANJIN" wheel with a 225 meters long, 32 meters wide, 26 people on board , loaded with 67,000 tons of coal a Panamanian cargo ship "JIA LI HAI" round place in Ningbo, Zhejiang Zhoushan Port to customize the core area of deep water line on the 1st fairway collision warning area, resulting in "JIA LI HAI" round the cabin, cargo hold water.
The accident occurred at the main channel, if not timely disposal, will affect the safety of maritime transport, Zhejiang Zhoushan waters.
Accidents caused by the Ministry of Transport and the Department of Rescue and Salvage Bureau leadership attaches great importance to the leadership of the Ministry took command of the East China Sea Rescue Bureau of effort required to do relief work.
After receiving the rescue information, according to the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of instruction Rescue and Salvage Bureau of the East China Sea Rescue Bureau Command rescue duty room immediately launched emergency plans, command the waters stand in Zhejiang professional salvage "East Sea rescue 117" round to the rescue. "East Sea rescue 117" emergency go round, it arrived on the scene around 1120 am. Scene "JIA LI HAI" by the four wheel trailer to help sail harbor, "MV XIUMEI TIANJIN" wheels still Xiecha "JIA LI HAI" round tail, the situation is very urgent.
"East Sea rescue 117" wheel hard to the ship immediately implement towing operations. 1246, the "East China Sea rescue 117" round cable with two ships properly start dragging and slow towing vessels in distress to Ma Zhi anchorage near shallow water and beach. After more than two hours of towing operations, 1500, the "East China Sea rescue 117" round will be difficult to secure the boat towed to shallow waters, Zhejiang Ma Zhi anchorage and successfully sit Beach, two ships in distress crew of 46 successful escape.
Currently, the "East Sea rescue 117" round in the field continue to implement difficult guard ship and dispose of according to the scene to the next step."East Sea rescue 117" round out this year is November series of high-powered professional rescue ships, the maximum power of 9000KW, "East China Sea rescue 117" wheel of the ship in distress timely relief, effective protection of navigable waters and sea Zhoushan transportation safety. "East Sea rescue 117" round the successful rescue, fully reflects the national professional rescue teams dare to play, as the spirit of the initiative.
After Zhejiang Maritime Search and Rescue Coordination Centre East China Sea Rescue Bureau of the Ministry of Transport of professional salvage "East Sea rescue 117" wheel towing rescue forces in a timely manner, the ship in distress was successfully towed to safe waters, a total of 46 crew members on board two turned the corner, maritime navigation hazards in a timely fashion disposal.
December 6, 2013 morning 0948, the "East China Sea rescue 117" round voyage at sea accidents in high-frequency hearing, and take the initiative to get in touch with the relevant departments, and the first time to the rescue command office duty room reports. East China Sea Rescue Bureau for information has been verified, understand, one 168 meters long, 27 meters wide, 20 South Korean nationals on board the container ship "MV XIUMEI TIANJIN" wheel with a 225 meters long, 32 meters wide, 26 people on board , loaded with 67,000 tons of coal a Panamanian cargo ship "JIA LI HAI" round place in Ningbo, Zhejiang Zhoushan Port to customize the core area of deep water line on the 1st fairway collision warning area, resulting in "JIA LI HAI" round the cabin, cargo hold water.
The accident occurred at the main channel, if not timely disposal, will affect the safety of maritime transport, Zhejiang Zhoushan waters.
Accidents caused by the Ministry of Transport and the Department of Rescue and Salvage Bureau leadership attaches great importance to the leadership of the Ministry took command of the East China Sea Rescue Bureau of effort required to do relief work.
After receiving the rescue information, according to the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of instruction Rescue and Salvage Bureau of the East China Sea Rescue Bureau Command rescue duty room immediately launched emergency plans, command the waters stand in Zhejiang professional salvage "East Sea rescue 117" round to the rescue. "East Sea rescue 117" emergency go round, it arrived on the scene around 1120 am. Scene "JIA LI HAI" by the four wheel trailer to help sail harbor, "MV XIUMEI TIANJIN" wheels still Xiecha "JIA LI HAI" round tail, the situation is very urgent.

"East Sea rescue 117" wheel hard to the ship immediately implement towing operations. 1246, the "East China Sea rescue 117" round cable with two ships properly start dragging and slow towing vessels in distress to Ma Zhi anchorage near shallow water and beach. After more than two hours of towing operations, 1500, the "East China Sea rescue 117" round will be difficult to secure the boat towed to shallow waters, Zhejiang Ma Zhi anchorage and successfully sit Beach, two ships in distress crew of 46 successful escape.
Currently, the "East Sea rescue 117" round in the field continue to implement difficult guard ship and dispose of according to the scene to the next step."East Sea rescue 117" round out this year is November series of high-powered professional rescue ships, the maximum power of 9000KW, "East China Sea rescue 117" wheel of the ship in distress timely relief, effective protection of navigable waters and sea Zhoushan transportation safety. "East Sea rescue 117" round the successful rescue, fully reflects the national professional rescue teams dare to play, as the spirit of the initiative.